Monday, 9 July 2012

Why You Won’t Cure of Your Toenail Fungus Fast

Toenail fungus can be hard to eliminate. But how you deal with toenail fungus infection and symptoms can have a great impact on how quickly you get rid of it.
Toenail Fungus-2010.1.8 
Here are 5 reasons toenail fungus can be hard to eliminate.

1. Ignoring the symptoms of toenail fungus. These include yellowing and thickening of nails, crumbling nails, foul-smelling debris and nail brittleness. Even though sufferers notice the symptoms quite early on they decide to ignore them, in the hope they will disappear. It’s not unknown for people to live with toenail fungus for years, until the symptoms become so bad they can’t be ignored.

2. Failure to treat toenail fungus like a serious infection. When you have an infection elsewhere in the body the normal next step is to seek help from a health practitioner. For some reason toenail fungus tends to be taken less seriously and people don’t seek treatment until the fungus becomes entrenched. Treat toenail fungus seriously. Talk to a doctor if you feel you have symptoms.

3. Wasting time with “Home Remedies”. Naturally, you want the safest and most effective way to treat your toenail fungus. However many of the touted “home remedies”, such as bleach, vinegar soaks, essential oil soaks or vapor rubs have little or no track record of success. This is because they don’t actually fight the fungus which is in the nail-bed not on the nail surface.

4. Trying several treatments at the same time. Many people with toenail fungus will try several things for short bursts of time. They may try a vapor rub for a couple of weeks. Seeing no results they try bleach soaks. At the same time they’ll use vinegar with a topical treatment. And so on. Pick one treatment and stick to it.

5. Failure to follow through with treatment. This is estimated to be responsible for about half of the failures to treat nail fungus with topical treatments. You must commit to and, follow through with, the entire treatment to beat the fungus. This could take weeks or it may take months, and may even go on after the fungus has disappeared. On seeing their toenail fungus apparently clear up, many victims become irregular with treatment or cease it altogether. This almost always guarantees failure.
The good news is that by avoiding doing the above you’ll have a much greater chance of getting rid of your toenail fungus for good.

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