Monday, 9 July 2012

8 Signs Show That You Have Toenail Fungus

Most toenail fungus victims could get rid of their toenail fungus quite quickly if they took notice of the signs of toenail fungus and then did something about them.
Toenail Fungus Can get Worst without Treatment
Sometimes people are unaware of the symptoms, or confuse them with other less harmful foot diseases, such as athlete’s foot.
More often however, most toenail fungus victims make the mistake of ignoring the symptoms of toenail fungus, hoping it will clear up on its own. It will not. It is an infection that must be treated.

Here are 8 tell-tale signs you probably have a toenail fungus.
1. You notice your toenail has turned or is turning yellow or brown. This is one of the first early warning signs you may have a toenail fungus infection.  

2. Your toenail has been thickening for some time and has multiple ridges and layers 

3. Your toenail becomes brittle sometimes crumbles off. 

4. You notice foul smelling debris under your toenail, which you don’t recall being there before. You may think this is dirt; however it is the debris from the fungus as it grows under the nail. Bear in mind ordinary dirt does not smell. Smelly debris is a symptom of toenail fungus. 

5. Your toenails have become too thick to cut. Thickened toenails are a symptom of toenail fungus infection. 

6. You find it hard to wear your closed shoes and even find walking is painful. Toenail fungus grows under the nail in the nail bed. It causes the nail to swell and thicken and become extremely painful. 

7. Your nails become detached from the nail-bed. If this is happening the toenail fungus is probably very advanced (generally this is a sign of advanced fungus infection and is due to the over-production of keratin). By this point you have little chance of saving your nail

8. Your nails become powdery – this is one of the advanced signs of toenail fungus, where you may be able to see yellowish powder under your nails.

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