Monday, 9 July 2012

Home Remedies Cause Your Toenail Fungus Worse?

It is not uncommon to hear of toenail fungus sufferers living with their infection for several months – or even several years.
Most initially search the Internet for information on how to cure the toenail fungus, primarily with “Home remedies.” Toenail fungus sufferers are drawn to the idea of “Home remedies” for curing toenail fungus because they prefer to use a natural product rather than a synthetic one. But do home remedies actually cure toenail fungus?

There are some popular Home remedies for toenail fungus.

Listerine is more commonly used as a mouth wash and for clearing bad breath. It’s thought that the acidic properties help reduce or kill the toenail fungus. The feet are either soaked in Listerine or cotton balls soaked in Listerine are applied to the infected toenail. The problem with this is that this only deals with the toenail – and not under the nail where fungus is growing. It may also cause skin burns and irritation, which is never good.

Applying various essential oils on your toes
Tea tree oil is a popular home remedy for toenail fungus. It is known to have several astringent properties and many say it is one of the best natural treatments for toenail fungus. However, despite these claims, there is still little clinical evidence to prove tea tree oil actually eliminates toenail fungus.
Home remedies are not proven to cure toenail fungus. If you have toenail fungus the first thing you should do is get a diagnosis from a health practitioner. Trying one popular but unproven “home remedy” after the other could actually worsen your toenail fungus problem as the fungus continues to grow untreated.

Using Vicks Vapor Rub
Vapor rub is thought to have medicinal properties that cure toenail fungus. This could be because it contains eucalyptus. Some toenail fungus sufferers report that it works with results seen in days. However, remember that the fungus affects the nail bed and the actual diseased nail is dead. Rubbing vapor rub on the nail doesn’t work on the nail bed so the chances of it curing the toenail fungus are remote at best.

Soaking feet in bleach or peroxide
Soaks are commonly recommended in toenail fungus discussion forums. These may include bleach, vinegar, peroxide or alcohol. Again, it’s claimed that the acidic qualities work on the toenail fungus to clear it. A more common result is burned, irritated or sore feet and skin while the toenail fungus remains unaffected.

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