Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Signs That Show Toenail Fungus Infections

Toenail fungus is a common infection. In many cases a person may have it and yet not know they need a toenail fungus treatment. Toenail fungus can go undetected for months before the symptoms become visible. And even once the symptoms are visible it is easy to confuse toenail fungus with athlete’s foot.

More common though is for victims to suspect they have toenail fungus, but fail to get it diagnosed by a foot doctor. Instead they ignore it, hoping it will go away on its own. It won’t. It must be effectively treated. Here are some of the more common signs you may have a toenail fungus infection.

 1. Your toenail turning yellow Healthy toenails are usually pink and attached to the nail bed. If any of your toenails start turning yellow, brown or black, this generally indicates a toenail fungus infection and you should get it checked immediately.

2. Your toenail is crumbling, flaky, fragile or pitted The nail texture changes from firm to very brittle. The nail often breaks as it becomes fragile. Because the toenail fungus attacks the nail-bed the nail begins to separate from it, causing the nail to disintegrate. Additionally, the nail can become soft and powdery.

3. There’s bad-smelling debris under your nail This is a definite sign of a toenail fungus infection. Normal healthy nails do not have debris under the nail nor any smell. What seems like foul-smelling dirt under the nail is really the result of the toenail fungus infection as it eats into the nail and the nail bed.

4. Your toenail is gradually turning black A toenail fungus infection may result in the toenail eventually turning black. The nail may begin by turning white (as mentioned above); yellow and/or brown – turning black is another stage in the process. Some toenail fungus victims may find their nail simply turns black with no progression from brown. In any event, the nail becomes a major embarrassment and difficult to hide.

5. Thickened, distorted toenails As the infection takes hold and eats into the nail it causes thickening and distortion of the toenail. At this point the infection is advanced and many sufferers will find their nails become painful, and find it increasingly difficult to wear closed shoes or walk. PurNail is a Proven System for Nail Fungus

Get more information to cure your toenail fungus with effective treatment?

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

SteriShoe shoe sanitizer general use guide

More info please visit http://www.CureToeNailFungus4U.com

Monday, 9 July 2012

Habits of Toenail Fungus Infections

Toenail fungus can be devastating. Not only can it destroy nails, unhealthy nails are ugly and embarrassing. But what often happens when people find they have toenail fungus?

Those are what many toenail fungus victims do.
  1. They notice their nail doesn’t look as healthy as before (whether toenail or finger nail) but they ignore it thinking it’s not serious
  2. They notice a definite thickening of their nail.
  3. Their fingernail becomes yellow… and they cover it up with nail polish to hide it.
  4. The toenail starts showing more symptoms… they look for more ways to hide their feet.
  5. They stop wearing open shoes because their toenail looks ugly and they feel ashamed.
  6. They refuse invitations to summer beach parties, because that would mean wearing sandals.
  7. They stop wearing sandals in summer, keeping to closed shoes so they don’t have to show their nails.
  8. They hide their fungus infected nails from their family as best they can.
  9. They log on to the Internet in the hope of finding others who have the same symptoms.
  10. They hold off going to a health care practitioner because they’ve heard that home remedies work for toenail fungus.
  11. They try several of the home remedies. Some appear to work. They stop the home remedies and try something else.
  12. They are prescribed a natural treatment and use it for a few weeks, even months. The toenail fungus is almost gone and they are relieved.
  13. They stop the treatment…after all there’s a month’s supply left to go and the toenail fungus looks like it’s gone, their nail looks healthy.
  14. One day they note the toenail fungus is back in full force… and they despair.

More information please visit http://www.CureToenailFungus4u.com 

Email: CureToeNailFungus4U@gmail.com

Home Remedies Cause Your Toenail Fungus Worse?

It is not uncommon to hear of toenail fungus sufferers living with their infection for several months – or even several years.
Most initially search the Internet for information on how to cure the toenail fungus, primarily with “Home remedies.” Toenail fungus sufferers are drawn to the idea of “Home remedies” for curing toenail fungus because they prefer to use a natural product rather than a synthetic one. But do home remedies actually cure toenail fungus?

There are some popular Home remedies for toenail fungus.

Listerine is more commonly used as a mouth wash and for clearing bad breath. It’s thought that the acidic properties help reduce or kill the toenail fungus. The feet are either soaked in Listerine or cotton balls soaked in Listerine are applied to the infected toenail. The problem with this is that this only deals with the toenail – and not under the nail where fungus is growing. It may also cause skin burns and irritation, which is never good.

Applying various essential oils on your toes
Tea tree oil is a popular home remedy for toenail fungus. It is known to have several astringent properties and many say it is one of the best natural treatments for toenail fungus. However, despite these claims, there is still little clinical evidence to prove tea tree oil actually eliminates toenail fungus.
Home remedies are not proven to cure toenail fungus. If you have toenail fungus the first thing you should do is get a diagnosis from a health practitioner. Trying one popular but unproven “home remedy” after the other could actually worsen your toenail fungus problem as the fungus continues to grow untreated.

Using Vicks Vapor Rub
Vapor rub is thought to have medicinal properties that cure toenail fungus. This could be because it contains eucalyptus. Some toenail fungus sufferers report that it works with results seen in days. However, remember that the fungus affects the nail bed and the actual diseased nail is dead. Rubbing vapor rub on the nail doesn’t work on the nail bed so the chances of it curing the toenail fungus are remote at best.

Soaking feet in bleach or peroxide
Soaks are commonly recommended in toenail fungus discussion forums. These may include bleach, vinegar, peroxide or alcohol. Again, it’s claimed that the acidic qualities work on the toenail fungus to clear it. A more common result is burned, irritated or sore feet and skin while the toenail fungus remains unaffected.

More information please visit http://www.CureToenailFungus4u.com 

Email: CureToeNailFungus4U@gmail.com

Why You Won’t Cure of Your Toenail Fungus Fast

Toenail fungus can be hard to eliminate. But how you deal with toenail fungus infection and symptoms can have a great impact on how quickly you get rid of it.
Toenail Fungus-2010.1.8 
Here are 5 reasons toenail fungus can be hard to eliminate.

1. Ignoring the symptoms of toenail fungus. These include yellowing and thickening of nails, crumbling nails, foul-smelling debris and nail brittleness. Even though sufferers notice the symptoms quite early on they decide to ignore them, in the hope they will disappear. It’s not unknown for people to live with toenail fungus for years, until the symptoms become so bad they can’t be ignored.

2. Failure to treat toenail fungus like a serious infection. When you have an infection elsewhere in the body the normal next step is to seek help from a health practitioner. For some reason toenail fungus tends to be taken less seriously and people don’t seek treatment until the fungus becomes entrenched. Treat toenail fungus seriously. Talk to a doctor if you feel you have symptoms.

3. Wasting time with “Home Remedies”. Naturally, you want the safest and most effective way to treat your toenail fungus. However many of the touted “home remedies”, such as bleach, vinegar soaks, essential oil soaks or vapor rubs have little or no track record of success. This is because they don’t actually fight the fungus which is in the nail-bed not on the nail surface.

4. Trying several treatments at the same time. Many people with toenail fungus will try several things for short bursts of time. They may try a vapor rub for a couple of weeks. Seeing no results they try bleach soaks. At the same time they’ll use vinegar with a topical treatment. And so on. Pick one treatment and stick to it.

5. Failure to follow through with treatment. This is estimated to be responsible for about half of the failures to treat nail fungus with topical treatments. You must commit to and, follow through with, the entire treatment to beat the fungus. This could take weeks or it may take months, and may even go on after the fungus has disappeared. On seeing their toenail fungus apparently clear up, many victims become irregular with treatment or cease it altogether. This almost always guarantees failure.
The good news is that by avoiding doing the above you’ll have a much greater chance of getting rid of your toenail fungus for good.

8 Signs Show That You Have Toenail Fungus

Most toenail fungus victims could get rid of their toenail fungus quite quickly if they took notice of the signs of toenail fungus and then did something about them.
Toenail Fungus Can get Worst without Treatment
Sometimes people are unaware of the symptoms, or confuse them with other less harmful foot diseases, such as athlete’s foot.
More often however, most toenail fungus victims make the mistake of ignoring the symptoms of toenail fungus, hoping it will clear up on its own. It will not. It is an infection that must be treated.

Here are 8 tell-tale signs you probably have a toenail fungus.
1. You notice your toenail has turned or is turning yellow or brown. This is one of the first early warning signs you may have a toenail fungus infection.  

2. Your toenail has been thickening for some time and has multiple ridges and layers 

3. Your toenail becomes brittle sometimes crumbles off. 

4. You notice foul smelling debris under your toenail, which you don’t recall being there before. You may think this is dirt; however it is the debris from the fungus as it grows under the nail. Bear in mind ordinary dirt does not smell. Smelly debris is a symptom of toenail fungus. 

5. Your toenails have become too thick to cut. Thickened toenails are a symptom of toenail fungus infection. 

6. You find it hard to wear your closed shoes and even find walking is painful. Toenail fungus grows under the nail in the nail bed. It causes the nail to swell and thicken and become extremely painful. 

7. Your nails become detached from the nail-bed. If this is happening the toenail fungus is probably very advanced (generally this is a sign of advanced fungus infection and is due to the over-production of keratin). By this point you have little chance of saving your nail

8. Your nails become powdery – this is one of the advanced signs of toenail fungus, where you may be able to see yellowish powder under your nails.

10 Tips For Preventing Nail Fungus Infection

Toenail fungus can be extremely hard to eliminate if you get it. Most of the time this is because people who have a toenail fungus infection ignore it, seeking inexpensive treatments. They may also fail to follow through with a full course of treatment.
Prevention is always better than cure. Toenail fungus thrives in damp places so with a little care and attention you can do plenty to prevent infection.

Big Toe nees Nail Fungus Treatment 

There are 10 tips for preventing nail fungus infection.

1. Start with hygiene – wash your feet daily. Use a nail brush to clean under your nails.

2. Dry your feet thoroughly, including between each toe. Many people hurry this part, leaving moist places for potential infection. Use talcum powder to absorb excess moisture.

3. Wear breathable socks – such as cotton, silk or wool. Avoid synthetic materials unless they are moisture-absorbing.

4. Change your socks daily, twice daily if your feet sweat a lot.

5. Avoid wearing trainers or sneakers for long periods of time or as your main shoes. Trainers don’t allow your feet to breath, contributing to the dark moist conditions the fungus needs to thrive.

6. If your trainers are old, throw them out. They may be full of fungus spores already.

7. Rotate your shoe-wearing. Have at least two pairs of shoes you interchange on a daily basis. Your shoes should be leather or other breathable material as these allow air to circulate and your feet to breathe.

8. If you use a public swimming pool, wear flip-flops in the shower. Public baths and changing rooms are two of the more common places to get a toenail fungus infection. Wash and dry your feet thoroughly after every visit, and wear fresh socks.

9. Maintain well manicured hands and feet – trim your nails straight across and file them so there are no sharp corners to cause ingrown toenails or hiding places for toenail fungus.

10. Never share pedicure items. If you go to a nail salon ensure all pedicure items are sterilized. If you’re unsure – ask to see how they sterilize/disinfect their instruments.

11. Avoid using nail polish if possible. If you must use it don’t layer it on, change it weekly and take a break from it at intervals. Nail polish shuts out oxygen preventing your nail from breathing. Plus, if you are in danger of a toenail infection you’re unlikely to spot it if your nail is always covered up.

Follow these very simple steps and you can easily avoid getting a nail or toenail fungus infection.

Try To Establish BodysDefenses Against Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is an infection. Because toenail fungus victims can hide their symptoms for some time, the infection is often not taken seriously.
Toenail fungus may have different symptoms to more commonly known infections however you can greatly reduce your chances of infection and your ability to recover from them by paying attention to diet and exercise and generally living a healthy lifestyle.

There are 8 suggestions to follow.

1. Eat Fresh. A whole-food diet including at least 2 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables every day is the foundation of a strong immune system. These foods have anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals which protect against disease. Look at your diet and see which processed foods you can replace with fresh produce.

2. Cook with herbs and spices. Certain herbs and spices have known body defense qualities – for example garlic is a natural antibiotic, oregano is known to have anti-fungal properties. A good cookbook can give you ideas for recipes to try and garlic can be taken as capsules.

3. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar and fatty foods. They are known to actually depress the immune system, making the body more prone to fungal infection.

4. Take a daily multivitamin supplement. Because you are unlikely to get the required dose of nutrients in your daily food intake, a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement helps the body get what it needs to maintain a healthy immune system.

5. Exercise regularly. Whether this is walking, swimming, running or another activity, exercising 2-3 times a week for at least 30 minutes increases your body’s ability to fight infections.

6. Reduce your exposure to infection. Public showers, baths, swimming pools, locker rooms etc are all potential places you can get an infection, particularly a toenail fungus infection. Wear flip flops in public showers, never share towels and personal items, wash your hands thoroughly and change your clothes regularly.

7. Get enough sleep. Find what works for your body as lack of sleep prevents the body form restoring itself lowering its ability to stave off infections. It’s also important to sleep well – if you are sleeping badly, find out the cause and eliminate it.

8. No stress. Studies are increasingly showing how stress impacts the body’s immune system. Make a serious effort to eliminate stress by including relaxation techniques in your daily life. Meditation, regular massage therapy or having a relaxing hobby like gardening can reduce stress levels, leaving your body better equipped to fight infection.

Preventing toenail fungus infection starts with living a healthy lifestyle. Follow the above tips and add your own to stay healthy and fight infection.

Cure Your Toenail Fungus On Your Control

Many toenail fungus sufferers allow toenail fungus to control their lives. Firstly by living in denial about their toenail fungus infection and then hiding from family, friends and even themselves, ashamed of their unhealthy nails.
Secondly, by failing to seek a toenail fungus treatment in time or by not following through with treatment. This permits the toenail fungus to call the shots, rather than you. Taking control of your nail fungus infection and treating it as a serious infection is the first step in curing it. That includes being prepared for the long haul.

Here’s how to take back control:

1. Be patient and persevere with your toenail fungus treatment. It may take several months of treatment to eliminate the fungus. The longer you’ve left it before getting help, the longer it can take to clear it.

2. Be prepared to invest the time to follow the fungus treatment and prevention regime, even when the toenail fungus appears to have gone. You will avoid re-infection of the skin with the fungus keeping your nails healthy, beautiful and clear.

3. Don’t buy several products at once and use them all at the same time. You’ll waste money and make it harder to eliminate the nail fungus. Pick one treatment and stick with it.

4. Complete your treatment to ensure you eliminate all the fungus. Many toenail fungus victims begin their toenail fungus treatment only to stop before finishing the course. Follow through on the entire treatment course to get completely free of the fungus infection.

5. If you suspect you have a toenail fungus, see a foot doctor or health practitioner. The symptoms of nail fungus include nails turning brown, or yellow, patches under the nail, nail becoming detached (in advanced cases) and what appears like dirt under the nail. If you have had the fungus for a long time the doctor may remove as much of the nail as possible by trimming, filing or dissolving it. In some advanced cases surgery may be required so it is important to get treatment as soon as possible.
Nail fungus is a serious infection that can, if you allow it, make your life miserable. If you find you have an infection don’t live in denial – treat it seriously by getting it diagnosed then committing to following the entire treatment.