Monday, 17 September 2012

Toenail Fungus Facts You Should Know

When first discovered toenail fungus is often easily confused with other fungi. So what are fungi? Where do they live? What kind of toenail fungus treatment do you need to prevent an infection? Why are they so hard to treat? And what are the best ways to prevent a fungal infection.

Here are some facts about Fungi, some more well-known than others, plus some tips on preventing and curing an infection should you get one.

  1. You may have a toenail fungus infection however fungal infections can affect the skin, the hair or any part of the body.
  2. Toenail fungus is often confused with athlete’s foot, another type of fungus.
  3. Toenail fungus is one of the most common types of fungi however it is not the only type.
  4. Toenail fungus grows under the toenail and can grow undetected for several months.
  5. Fungi like dark, damp places, such as between the toes, underneath the nail bed and between skin folds.
  6. Fungus spores can spread easily – so it is important not to share personal items like towels or shoes.
  7. If you have a week immune system for example if you are recovering from a cold, you are more susceptible to getting a fungus infection and should take extra care.
  8. Fungus spores are commonly spread in places like public baths, pools, in standing water and public showers.
  9. If toenail fungus isn’t treated in time it can quickly spread to other toes.
  10. While athlete’s foot is also a fungus it is found between the toes and can be very painful and itchy.
  11. When it come to fungus, prevention is always better than the cure. Being aware is the first step.
  12. .Drying between the toes and checking them regularly can help prevent athlete’s foot.
  13. One of the best ways of prevention is good hygiene habits, including washing the feet every day and drying them thoroughly.
  14. Profuse sweating can also encourage different types of fungi, so shower and change underwear and socks frequently.
  15. Failing to follow through with the course of treatment makes it harder to clear up the fungal infection.
  16. Maintain a healthy body weight – as many skin fungi live between the folds of the skin.
  17. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly also plays a significant part in helping prevent many common infections, including fungal infections.

Eat Well to Stay Away From Toenail Fungus

When you are healthy it is harder to pick up an infection than if you are not. Your body’s immune system does a good job of fighting serious infections and keeping them at bay. Whether it’s toenail fungus, a common cold or other ailment – eating the right foods and exercising are key to being healthy.

What foods should you eat? Here are some of the top foods recommended for a healthy diet.

  1. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and drink fresh fruit juice. Go for fruits in season as they tend to be cheaper than when out of season.  
  2. Eat fresh raw or steamed vegetables. Don’t overcook vegetables as overcooking can eliminate the essential vitamins and minerals.
  3. East potatoes with the nutrient-rich skin on.
  4. Eat your greens. There’s a reason your parents always insisted on you eating your greens. Broccoli, spinach, peas, kale and other green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins and certain minerals.
  5. Include plenty of grains in your diet. You can get whole grains in bread or you can include them in cereals. However some people cannot digest grains in their diet or are allergic (for example many people cannot tolerate wheat or foods made with wheat and they should not eat wheat if this is the case).
  6. Love rice? Instead of white rice try eating brown rice, which is healthier and less starchy
  7. Include herbs in your diet by including them in your cooking or adding them to your foods. Use herbs like parsley, thyme, garlic, cayenne pepper, oregano, fennel, ginger are just some of the herbs that are not only flavorful but good for your diet.
  8. Avoid Iodine rich foods, such as clams, crabs, and shellfish as they can be trigger foods for some skin ailments, such as acne.
  9. Alcohol, caffeine and hydrogenated oils are foods to be avoided.
  10. Eat grapes every day. Grapes are known to have powerful antioxidants which help to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of clogged arteries. Heart disease is one of the biggest risks for men and women over 40.
  11. Enjoy better cuts of meat and chicken and include fish in your diet. Fish is rich in fish oils for a healthy functioning body.

Busy lifestyles have many people neglecting their diet. The result, though not immediate can be increased risk of infection and a harder time getting rid of the infection once contracted. An ounce of prevention starts with a healthy balanced diet and plenty of exercise.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Do’s and Don’ts for Getting Rid of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is difficult to treat. The fungus likes dark moist places, such as those found in the shoes. Talk to many toenail fungus victims and you may find they have had toenail fungus for years.

This is usually because:
  1. they don’t know they have toenail fungus
  2. Once they know they don’t know how to cure it
  3. They may waste many months seeking cheap alternative treatments that don’t work

If you have toenail fungus there is one thing you must do every day until your fungus infection is completely eliminated. And that is take action. But you must take the right kind of action to be successful. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.
  1. See a podiatrist. Get a second opinion if necessary. Doctors, even foot doctors, do not know everything.
  2. Do take the infection seriously.
  3. Do realize that toenail fungus will not go away on its own.
  4. Do wear rubber slippers or flip-flops in public showers and baths.
  5. Don’t share towels, socks, slippers or other personal items.
  6. Don’t waste time on the many “home remedies” recommended in the many Internet forms.
  7. Don’t waste time trying to treat the infected toenail no matter what people say. The nails are dead cells, you must treat the nail bed.
  8. Do get a topical product with proven results. Topical solutions include, PurNail and Funginix (formerly Fungisil). Both can easily be ordered online and are inexpensive treatments.
  9. Don’t go swimming if you can avoid it.
  10. Don’t cover the nail with nail polish. It can make the fungus even more difficult to clear.
  11. Do ensure you are eating a balanced diet. If you’re not, you’re probably wasting your time trying to clear an infection without your body’s help.
  12. Do be consistent with your treatment. Follow through to the end until the fungus is completely gone.
  13. Do follow your treatment’s instructions and don’t deviate from them.
  14. File back your infected nail and at the very least keep your toenails.
  15. Do change your socks every day.
  16. Do have several pairs of breathable shoes – they will help your feet to breath.
  17. Don’t put acrylic nails over your infected nails.
  18. Don’t hop from one treatment to the other. This is one of the reasons treatments don’t work and is a waste of valuable time.

To Prevent From Toenail Fungus Is To Keep Your Feet Healthy

Healthy feet are essential to preventing toenail fungus and an ounce of prevention is always better than a cure. Toenail fungus can be difficult to get rid of so it is important to ensure you don’t help create the situation for the fungus to thrive in.

Keep the following foot care tips in mind:

1. Throw out your old trainers. These days people spend all day and often most of the evening wearing trainers. And many people wear trainers long after they should have been thrown out.
While they may be comfortable, trainers don’t allow your feet to breathe. Inside the trainers the feet sweat – creating a dark, damp environment perfect for toenail fungus to grow and thrive unnoticed for months – even years. If your trainers are old, it’s time to throw them out and purchase new ones. In addition to being breeding grounds for fungus old trainers provide little foot support and can lead to other problems such as back pain.
If you have contracted toenail fungus already immediately get rid of your old trainers. It’s likely the fungus is still living there and will re-infect the toenail, making it harder to cure.

2. Wear leather shoes if possible as leather allows the feet to breathe. Alternatively, ensure you wear trainers made of stretchy and breathable man-made material. Avoid wearing trainers for extended periods of time.

3. Avoid Ingrown Toenails. An ingrown toenail is painful. It is often the result of wearing shoes that are too tight, not changed often enough, or by cutting nails too short so the edges grow in. Always cut your nails straight across using a nail clipper. Cut your toenails after you have had a shower or bath as they are softer and easier to cut.

4. Dry your feet properly. Always dry feet thoroughly after a bath or shower. This means paying attention to the hard-to-reach area between each toe as well as the foot, using a clean dry towel. To avoid passing toenail fungus on don’t share towels and ensure you wash or change your towels after each use.

Your feet often act as barometers of your health. If you notice a change or suspect you may have an infection see a foot doctor, don’t ignore it.

Be aware and keep your feet healthy and you can prevent toenail fungus infection or begin to clear it up sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Article on Fungus Shoe Sanitizer

The Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association has selected for publication an article detailing the recently completed second clinical study involving the SteriShoe® ultraviolet shoe sanitizer.

Image of the anti-fungal shoe sanitizer
The fact that shoes harbor microorganisms has been well established; the journal article cites three previously published studies to this effect. For this study, Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum designed a repeatable way to culture shoes and then successfully tested the ability of the SteriShoe ultraviolet shoe sanitizer to decontaminate the shoe.

The study, which involved scraping material from the shoe, showed that the SteriShoe sanitizer destroyed, on average, over 80% of the microorganisms in the shoes. Dr. Ghannoum states “these finding have implications regarding breaking the foot infection cycle.”

Dr. Ghannoum is the Director of the Center for Medical Mycology and Mycology Reference Laboratory, University Hospitals of Cleveland and Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Ghannoum has spent a career working with onychomycosis and is the President of the Medical Mycology Society of the Americas; a Fellow of the Infectious Disease Society of America; he has been a reviewer and editorial board member for over 40 journals and publications; conducted clinical studies for the top prescription oral antifungal medicine; and he has authored over seven articles regarding Onychomycosis, four of which have been published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Sanitizer for Fungus in ShoesThe SteriShoe® ultraviolet shoe sanitizer is the world’s first product to safely and effectively sanitize the inside of your shoes. No chemicals that may damage your shoes! By using germicidal ultraviolet light (“UVC”), the shoe sanitizer kills microorganisms that cause athlete’s foot, nail fungus, and shoe odor.

Sold in pairs so you can treat a pair of shoes with each application. The treatment takes about 45 minutes. The germicidal lamp automatically turns off and the shoe sanitizer supports the shape of your shoes like a shoe tree.
Regular use of this device is critical to the overall success of your anti-fungal treatment. It allows you to get rid of the fungus in your shoes!

Patients who are undecided about when to start are recommended to purchase and use the UV sanitizer. Sweat from feet (each foot sweats up to 8 oz. per day) causes shoes to become breeding grounds for the fungus and bacteria that cause toenail fungus, athlete’s foot, and odor. Treatment of toenail fungus cannot be effective if you do not sanitize your shoes. In fact, you can easily get re-infected by the residual fungi in your own shoes!

A 45 minute treatment with the SteriShoe® shoe sanitizer’s germicidal ultraviolet light (UVC) destroys 99.9%-99.99% of microorganisms in shoes, including:Seal of American Podiatry Medicine Association
  • fungi that cause tinea infections and nail fungus
  • bacteria that cause shoe odor
  • viruses, and
  • MRSA
After the shoe treatment is complete, the germicidal UV light turns off automatically, and the shoe sanitizer continues to support the shape of your shoes like a regular shoe tree.

The SteriShoe® shoe sanitizer is an essential product for anyone who has diabetes. Poor circulation in diabetic patent’s feet can lead to a loss of sensation or neuropathy. An untreated blister or a sore can develop into a foot ulcer. When left untreated, a diabetic foot ulcer can result in an amputation. The American Podiatric Medical Association states that “about 86,000 lower limbs are amputated annually due to complications from diabetes.”

Using the SteriShoe® ultraviolet shoe sanitizer is an important preventative measure and a proactive way to provide a healthier environment for your feet. We wash our clothes, and we dry-clean our clothes. Now we can finally clean and sanitize our shoes, too. Safely and very effectively.

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Monday, 27 August 2012

What to do about How Toenail Fungus Lowers Quality of Life

If you are suffering from Toenail Fungus the chances are you’re not having the best quality of life. Toenail fungus can literally ruin your life and it’s hard to imagine just how much until you get an infection.

Here are some of the ways nail fungus can lower your quality of life.

Hiding the fungal infection. One of the first things toenail fungus victims do is hide their nails. Women hide fingernail fungus by using nail polish to cover it up. Men can’t use nail polish, but trying to hide the finger nails becomes a way of life. If you have toenail fungus, which is more common, then you are likely to keep your nails in closed shoes. Since most people wear open shoes and sandals or go bare feet in the summertime, while you can hide your nails from view, this can actually draw more attention to them as everyone wonders why you’re not wearing open shoes at the barbeque.

Ugly, unsightly nails are embarrassing for even the most confident of people. If you are embarrassed about your toenails, it will affect every aspect of your life from choosing what to wear to deciding which invitations you can accept, whether you can go to that party, even what you wear in your own home.

Stress. Anxiety about your toenail fungus will cause you stress. Stress is well known to lower the quality of life and its effects can be serious. It takes work to hide your fungus infection and you can never quite relax. That increases the stress levels. The worsening fungus infection and unsightliness of the nail only adds to it, even if no one can see your nails.

So how do you get your life back from toenail fungus? Do you have to live with the stress, anxiety and embarrassment of toenail fungus infected nails?

No. Surprisingly, many do choose to live with it by living in denial about their infection for many months, even years. If you want to eliminate the embarrassment of toenail fungus and get your life back you must get rid of the toenail fungus. And that means you must:
  1. take action immediately by getting the symptoms diagnosed (rather than ignoring them)
  2. take the infection seriously and select the most effective treatment and
  3. be consistent with the treatment until the fungus is completely gone.
Take action now to eliminate toenail fungus and take back your life.

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What to Do If Have Toenail Fungus?

If you are:
  • Suffering in silence because you have toenail fungus…
  • Spending hours searching for a toenail fungus cure…
  • Tired of hiding your nails from your family and friends…
  • Frustrated with home “remedies” that simply don’t work
  • Paralyzed with fear of rejection because of your unsightly nails…
  • In denial, hoping the infection will go away
There’s good news. You are not alone – even if you may feel you’re the only person with the infection. In fact, it’s thought that 50% of all nail problems seen by doctors are caused by nail fungus. And more than 35 million people in the US are concerned about their nails.

That might be a comforting thought, but what can YOU do now to get rid of your toenail fungus infection and not be one of those 35 million?
To begin eliminating your toenail fungus you need to do 3 main things.:
  1. Decide you’re no longer living with nail fungus
  2. Find a toenail fungus treatment that works
  3. Take action today.
It’s that simple. And it’s the beginning of the end of a life ruled by the misery of toenail fungus infection, but only if you take consistent action.
Hiding or ignoring toenail your fungus infection only ensure it spreads and it can also infect your other nails and continue devastating your life. The trouble is most victims suffer needlessly in silence for years before they do anything about it. This is often from ignorance.
With so many supposed “treatments” on the market, how do you choose one that works for you? This checklist may help you:
  • Look for a treatment that can cure your toenail fungus in weeks or months.
  • Find a treatment that works for you, so you stick with it.
  • Find an affordable treatment so you can buy enough of it
  • Find a treatment that has been proven to work
  • Resolve to follow the instructions and complete the treatment
  • Apply your treatment consistently
  • Follow good foot hygiene so you don’t spread the fungus
  • Keep taking action to get rid of your toenail fungus
There’s no overnight cure for toenail fungus. Any treatment will take time and the longer you’ve ignored the infection the longer treatment can take. However the two main reasons toenail fungus stays around are inaction and failing to follow through with the correct treatment.

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Not Try to Kill Your Toenail Fungus Like This?

Toenail fungus is more common than you may think. And over 30 million people want to have healthier nails. Wanting to be free of toenail fungus and actually getting free of it are two entirely different things. Unfortunately many treat toenail fungus as harmless and do the wrong things or do nothing at all until the infection becomes hard to hide.

Here are some things not to do if you want to clear up your toenail fungus.

1. Failing to get toenail fungus diagnosed. Many people are wary of getting a doctor’s prescription because they have heard about side effects of certain drugs. They prefer to use natural treatments to cure their toenail fungus. There is nothing wrong with this; however you must at least get the fungus diagnosed. Toenail fungus is often confused with athlete’s foot – a totally different infection. It’s important to take toenail fungus seriously and get it diagnosed and eliminated with the right treatment.

2. Trying hydrogen peroxide treatment. This consists of soaking the nails or feet in hydrogen peroxide for a few days to a week in an attempt to kill the toenail fungus. While hydrogen peroxide has been used as a topical antiseptic solution, it has not been proven to eliminate toenail fungus and it can actually be harmful. Using hydrogen peroxide can cause skin irritation and even burning.

3. Trying Vicks Vapor Rub. Vicks Vapor Rub is often recommended as a cure for toenail fungus. It is thought that by rubbing it on the infected nail this can eliminate the toenail fungus. Many don’t see the much touted results however and give up to try something else. Applying anything to the infected nail will always be ineffectual because the nail is dead. The fungus lives in the nail-bed. This is where you must focus the treatment.

4. Trying a mixture of treatments. The toenail fungus sufferer tries one treatment for a couple of weeks. Seeing no visible change they try another treatment for a few days or weeks. When they see no change here they stop the latest treatment and go on to another. Toenail fungus takes time to beat. It is possible to clear it in weeks with the right treatment, but you must be patient and consistent. Hopping from treatment to treatment only ensures the infection gets more difficult to eliminate.

To kill your toenail fungus you must take action, learn what actually works then apply the correct treatment until the fungus is completely gone.

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Black Toenails

Black toenails can be caused by excessive formation of melanin pigments. Toenail discoloration is found in some circumstances, such as pinta diseases, vitamin B12 deficiency, malignant melanoma skin cancer, and Peutz-Jegher syndrome. Besides above circumstances, toenail fungus can also cause discoloration of the nail.

black toenails pictures
Fungal infection Candida albicans and Blastomyces dermatitis often causes black toenails. Junction Nevi can also be the cause of this nail disorder. Toe nail color changes in Cushing’s syndrome are also common. This is caused by an increase in the hormone MSH (Melanin Stimulating Hormone).

Some researchers also reported that nail infections by Proteus mirabilis bacteria also cause a black color on the nails. These bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide. These compounds will react with metals in toenails and produces a black color.

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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Signs That Show Toenail Fungus Infections

Toenail fungus is a common infection. In many cases a person may have it and yet not know they need a toenail fungus treatment. Toenail fungus can go undetected for months before the symptoms become visible. And even once the symptoms are visible it is easy to confuse toenail fungus with athlete’s foot.

More common though is for victims to suspect they have toenail fungus, but fail to get it diagnosed by a foot doctor. Instead they ignore it, hoping it will go away on its own. It won’t. It must be effectively treated. Here are some of the more common signs you may have a toenail fungus infection.

 1. Your toenail turning yellow Healthy toenails are usually pink and attached to the nail bed. If any of your toenails start turning yellow, brown or black, this generally indicates a toenail fungus infection and you should get it checked immediately.

2. Your toenail is crumbling, flaky, fragile or pitted The nail texture changes from firm to very brittle. The nail often breaks as it becomes fragile. Because the toenail fungus attacks the nail-bed the nail begins to separate from it, causing the nail to disintegrate. Additionally, the nail can become soft and powdery.

3. There’s bad-smelling debris under your nail This is a definite sign of a toenail fungus infection. Normal healthy nails do not have debris under the nail nor any smell. What seems like foul-smelling dirt under the nail is really the result of the toenail fungus infection as it eats into the nail and the nail bed.

4. Your toenail is gradually turning black A toenail fungus infection may result in the toenail eventually turning black. The nail may begin by turning white (as mentioned above); yellow and/or brown – turning black is another stage in the process. Some toenail fungus victims may find their nail simply turns black with no progression from brown. In any event, the nail becomes a major embarrassment and difficult to hide.

5. Thickened, distorted toenails As the infection takes hold and eats into the nail it causes thickening and distortion of the toenail. At this point the infection is advanced and many sufferers will find their nails become painful, and find it increasingly difficult to wear closed shoes or walk. PurNail is a Proven System for Nail Fungus

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Wednesday, 11 July 2012

SteriShoe shoe sanitizer general use guide

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Monday, 9 July 2012

Habits of Toenail Fungus Infections

Toenail fungus can be devastating. Not only can it destroy nails, unhealthy nails are ugly and embarrassing. But what often happens when people find they have toenail fungus?

Those are what many toenail fungus victims do.
  1. They notice their nail doesn’t look as healthy as before (whether toenail or finger nail) but they ignore it thinking it’s not serious
  2. They notice a definite thickening of their nail.
  3. Their fingernail becomes yellow… and they cover it up with nail polish to hide it.
  4. The toenail starts showing more symptoms… they look for more ways to hide their feet.
  5. They stop wearing open shoes because their toenail looks ugly and they feel ashamed.
  6. They refuse invitations to summer beach parties, because that would mean wearing sandals.
  7. They stop wearing sandals in summer, keeping to closed shoes so they don’t have to show their nails.
  8. They hide their fungus infected nails from their family as best they can.
  9. They log on to the Internet in the hope of finding others who have the same symptoms.
  10. They hold off going to a health care practitioner because they’ve heard that home remedies work for toenail fungus.
  11. They try several of the home remedies. Some appear to work. They stop the home remedies and try something else.
  12. They are prescribed a natural treatment and use it for a few weeks, even months. The toenail fungus is almost gone and they are relieved.
  13. They stop the treatment…after all there’s a month’s supply left to go and the toenail fungus looks like it’s gone, their nail looks healthy.
  14. One day they note the toenail fungus is back in full force… and they despair.

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Home Remedies Cause Your Toenail Fungus Worse?

It is not uncommon to hear of toenail fungus sufferers living with their infection for several months – or even several years.
Most initially search the Internet for information on how to cure the toenail fungus, primarily with “Home remedies.” Toenail fungus sufferers are drawn to the idea of “Home remedies” for curing toenail fungus because they prefer to use a natural product rather than a synthetic one. But do home remedies actually cure toenail fungus?

There are some popular Home remedies for toenail fungus.

Listerine is more commonly used as a mouth wash and for clearing bad breath. It’s thought that the acidic properties help reduce or kill the toenail fungus. The feet are either soaked in Listerine or cotton balls soaked in Listerine are applied to the infected toenail. The problem with this is that this only deals with the toenail – and not under the nail where fungus is growing. It may also cause skin burns and irritation, which is never good.

Applying various essential oils on your toes
Tea tree oil is a popular home remedy for toenail fungus. It is known to have several astringent properties and many say it is one of the best natural treatments for toenail fungus. However, despite these claims, there is still little clinical evidence to prove tea tree oil actually eliminates toenail fungus.
Home remedies are not proven to cure toenail fungus. If you have toenail fungus the first thing you should do is get a diagnosis from a health practitioner. Trying one popular but unproven “home remedy” after the other could actually worsen your toenail fungus problem as the fungus continues to grow untreated.

Using Vicks Vapor Rub
Vapor rub is thought to have medicinal properties that cure toenail fungus. This could be because it contains eucalyptus. Some toenail fungus sufferers report that it works with results seen in days. However, remember that the fungus affects the nail bed and the actual diseased nail is dead. Rubbing vapor rub on the nail doesn’t work on the nail bed so the chances of it curing the toenail fungus are remote at best.

Soaking feet in bleach or peroxide
Soaks are commonly recommended in toenail fungus discussion forums. These may include bleach, vinegar, peroxide or alcohol. Again, it’s claimed that the acidic qualities work on the toenail fungus to clear it. A more common result is burned, irritated or sore feet and skin while the toenail fungus remains unaffected.

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