Monday, 27 August 2012

Not Try to Kill Your Toenail Fungus Like This?

Toenail fungus is more common than you may think. And over 30 million people want to have healthier nails. Wanting to be free of toenail fungus and actually getting free of it are two entirely different things. Unfortunately many treat toenail fungus as harmless and do the wrong things or do nothing at all until the infection becomes hard to hide.

Here are some things not to do if you want to clear up your toenail fungus.

1. Failing to get toenail fungus diagnosed. Many people are wary of getting a doctor’s prescription because they have heard about side effects of certain drugs. They prefer to use natural treatments to cure their toenail fungus. There is nothing wrong with this; however you must at least get the fungus diagnosed. Toenail fungus is often confused with athlete’s foot – a totally different infection. It’s important to take toenail fungus seriously and get it diagnosed and eliminated with the right treatment.

2. Trying hydrogen peroxide treatment. This consists of soaking the nails or feet in hydrogen peroxide for a few days to a week in an attempt to kill the toenail fungus. While hydrogen peroxide has been used as a topical antiseptic solution, it has not been proven to eliminate toenail fungus and it can actually be harmful. Using hydrogen peroxide can cause skin irritation and even burning.

3. Trying Vicks Vapor Rub. Vicks Vapor Rub is often recommended as a cure for toenail fungus. It is thought that by rubbing it on the infected nail this can eliminate the toenail fungus. Many don’t see the much touted results however and give up to try something else. Applying anything to the infected nail will always be ineffectual because the nail is dead. The fungus lives in the nail-bed. This is where you must focus the treatment.

4. Trying a mixture of treatments. The toenail fungus sufferer tries one treatment for a couple of weeks. Seeing no visible change they try another treatment for a few days or weeks. When they see no change here they stop the latest treatment and go on to another. Toenail fungus takes time to beat. It is possible to clear it in weeks with the right treatment, but you must be patient and consistent. Hopping from treatment to treatment only ensures the infection gets more difficult to eliminate.

To kill your toenail fungus you must take action, learn what actually works then apply the correct treatment until the fungus is completely gone.

Get more information to cure your toenail fungus with effective treatment?

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