Monday, 17 September 2012

Toenail Fungus Facts You Should Know

When first discovered toenail fungus is often easily confused with other fungi. So what are fungi? Where do they live? What kind of toenail fungus treatment do you need to prevent an infection? Why are they so hard to treat? And what are the best ways to prevent a fungal infection.

Here are some facts about Fungi, some more well-known than others, plus some tips on preventing and curing an infection should you get one.

  1. You may have a toenail fungus infection however fungal infections can affect the skin, the hair or any part of the body.
  2. Toenail fungus is often confused with athlete’s foot, another type of fungus.
  3. Toenail fungus is one of the most common types of fungi however it is not the only type.
  4. Toenail fungus grows under the toenail and can grow undetected for several months.
  5. Fungi like dark, damp places, such as between the toes, underneath the nail bed and between skin folds.
  6. Fungus spores can spread easily – so it is important not to share personal items like towels or shoes.
  7. If you have a week immune system for example if you are recovering from a cold, you are more susceptible to getting a fungus infection and should take extra care.
  8. Fungus spores are commonly spread in places like public baths, pools, in standing water and public showers.
  9. If toenail fungus isn’t treated in time it can quickly spread to other toes.
  10. While athlete’s foot is also a fungus it is found between the toes and can be very painful and itchy.
  11. When it come to fungus, prevention is always better than the cure. Being aware is the first step.
  12. .Drying between the toes and checking them regularly can help prevent athlete’s foot.
  13. One of the best ways of prevention is good hygiene habits, including washing the feet every day and drying them thoroughly.
  14. Profuse sweating can also encourage different types of fungi, so shower and change underwear and socks frequently.
  15. Failing to follow through with the course of treatment makes it harder to clear up the fungal infection.
  16. Maintain a healthy body weight – as many skin fungi live between the folds of the skin.
  17. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly also plays a significant part in helping prevent many common infections, including fungal infections.

Eat Well to Stay Away From Toenail Fungus

When you are healthy it is harder to pick up an infection than if you are not. Your body’s immune system does a good job of fighting serious infections and keeping them at bay. Whether it’s toenail fungus, a common cold or other ailment – eating the right foods and exercising are key to being healthy.

What foods should you eat? Here are some of the top foods recommended for a healthy diet.

  1. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and drink fresh fruit juice. Go for fruits in season as they tend to be cheaper than when out of season.  
  2. Eat fresh raw or steamed vegetables. Don’t overcook vegetables as overcooking can eliminate the essential vitamins and minerals.
  3. East potatoes with the nutrient-rich skin on.
  4. Eat your greens. There’s a reason your parents always insisted on you eating your greens. Broccoli, spinach, peas, kale and other green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins and certain minerals.
  5. Include plenty of grains in your diet. You can get whole grains in bread or you can include them in cereals. However some people cannot digest grains in their diet or are allergic (for example many people cannot tolerate wheat or foods made with wheat and they should not eat wheat if this is the case).
  6. Love rice? Instead of white rice try eating brown rice, which is healthier and less starchy
  7. Include herbs in your diet by including them in your cooking or adding them to your foods. Use herbs like parsley, thyme, garlic, cayenne pepper, oregano, fennel, ginger are just some of the herbs that are not only flavorful but good for your diet.
  8. Avoid Iodine rich foods, such as clams, crabs, and shellfish as they can be trigger foods for some skin ailments, such as acne.
  9. Alcohol, caffeine and hydrogenated oils are foods to be avoided.
  10. Eat grapes every day. Grapes are known to have powerful antioxidants which help to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of clogged arteries. Heart disease is one of the biggest risks for men and women over 40.
  11. Enjoy better cuts of meat and chicken and include fish in your diet. Fish is rich in fish oils for a healthy functioning body.

Busy lifestyles have many people neglecting their diet. The result, though not immediate can be increased risk of infection and a harder time getting rid of the infection once contracted. An ounce of prevention starts with a healthy balanced diet and plenty of exercise.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Do’s and Don’ts for Getting Rid of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is difficult to treat. The fungus likes dark moist places, such as those found in the shoes. Talk to many toenail fungus victims and you may find they have had toenail fungus for years.

This is usually because:
  1. they don’t know they have toenail fungus
  2. Once they know they don’t know how to cure it
  3. They may waste many months seeking cheap alternative treatments that don’t work

If you have toenail fungus there is one thing you must do every day until your fungus infection is completely eliminated. And that is take action. But you must take the right kind of action to be successful. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.
  1. See a podiatrist. Get a second opinion if necessary. Doctors, even foot doctors, do not know everything.
  2. Do take the infection seriously.
  3. Do realize that toenail fungus will not go away on its own.
  4. Do wear rubber slippers or flip-flops in public showers and baths.
  5. Don’t share towels, socks, slippers or other personal items.
  6. Don’t waste time on the many “home remedies” recommended in the many Internet forms.
  7. Don’t waste time trying to treat the infected toenail no matter what people say. The nails are dead cells, you must treat the nail bed.
  8. Do get a topical product with proven results. Topical solutions include, PurNail and Funginix (formerly Fungisil). Both can easily be ordered online and are inexpensive treatments.
  9. Don’t go swimming if you can avoid it.
  10. Don’t cover the nail with nail polish. It can make the fungus even more difficult to clear.
  11. Do ensure you are eating a balanced diet. If you’re not, you’re probably wasting your time trying to clear an infection without your body’s help.
  12. Do be consistent with your treatment. Follow through to the end until the fungus is completely gone.
  13. Do follow your treatment’s instructions and don’t deviate from them.
  14. File back your infected nail and at the very least keep your toenails.
  15. Do change your socks every day.
  16. Do have several pairs of breathable shoes – they will help your feet to breath.
  17. Don’t put acrylic nails over your infected nails.
  18. Don’t hop from one treatment to the other. This is one of the reasons treatments don’t work and is a waste of valuable time.

To Prevent From Toenail Fungus Is To Keep Your Feet Healthy

Healthy feet are essential to preventing toenail fungus and an ounce of prevention is always better than a cure. Toenail fungus can be difficult to get rid of so it is important to ensure you don’t help create the situation for the fungus to thrive in.

Keep the following foot care tips in mind:

1. Throw out your old trainers. These days people spend all day and often most of the evening wearing trainers. And many people wear trainers long after they should have been thrown out.
While they may be comfortable, trainers don’t allow your feet to breathe. Inside the trainers the feet sweat – creating a dark, damp environment perfect for toenail fungus to grow and thrive unnoticed for months – even years. If your trainers are old, it’s time to throw them out and purchase new ones. In addition to being breeding grounds for fungus old trainers provide little foot support and can lead to other problems such as back pain.
If you have contracted toenail fungus already immediately get rid of your old trainers. It’s likely the fungus is still living there and will re-infect the toenail, making it harder to cure.

2. Wear leather shoes if possible as leather allows the feet to breathe. Alternatively, ensure you wear trainers made of stretchy and breathable man-made material. Avoid wearing trainers for extended periods of time.

3. Avoid Ingrown Toenails. An ingrown toenail is painful. It is often the result of wearing shoes that are too tight, not changed often enough, or by cutting nails too short so the edges grow in. Always cut your nails straight across using a nail clipper. Cut your toenails after you have had a shower or bath as they are softer and easier to cut.

4. Dry your feet properly. Always dry feet thoroughly after a bath or shower. This means paying attention to the hard-to-reach area between each toe as well as the foot, using a clean dry towel. To avoid passing toenail fungus on don’t share towels and ensure you wash or change your towels after each use.

Your feet often act as barometers of your health. If you notice a change or suspect you may have an infection see a foot doctor, don’t ignore it.

Be aware and keep your feet healthy and you can prevent toenail fungus infection or begin to clear it up sooner rather than later.